【 Project 】
task02N₂O Recycling
00 Soybean Rhizobia
Elucidate superior traits of high N₂O removal soybean rhizobial strains and select superior wild type strains. To evaluate the effects of rhizobial inoculation on soil microbiota and horizontal gene transfer.

00 Comparative Genomics
We aim to elucidate the mechanism of the traits contribute to the materialization of N₂O-reducing microorganisms based on the genome information.

0 Symbiosis Optimization
Achieve N₂O reduction of 40% or more by N₂O-removing rhizobia by maximizing the ability of N₂O-removing rhizobia through "symbiosis optimization" based on the identification and functional clarification of symbiosis-related factors of both plants and rhizobia. Accelerate social implementation of N₂O reduction technology by improving soybean symbiosis ability through co-inoculation of growth-promoting bacteria and N₂O-removing rhizobia.
0 Citizen Science
Isolate N₂O reducing microbes (including rhizobia) from soils collected from across Japan, evaluate their N₂O reduction potential, and use them as candidate materials for microbial materials. At the same time, we will develop a viewer to facilitate the utilization of various data.